Saturday, October 6, 2012


Hello there, it's nice to be here after a long, long absence!
I've been meaning to write in here for so long but have been so busy with life and work and just couldn't, but I miss this space of my a lot and really want to came back here more often to enjoy my blog!

In case you wonder what I've been up to in these last many months, let me tell you I've been: traveling around Canada, moving to a new home, working in a new collection of my jewelry (available now at my shop!), taking good care of my family and enjoying Summer and now Autumn among other many things that would bore you to know!

The thing is that, more and more I realize I'm getting worse with multitasking and I just need to do one thing at a time. Of course it doesn't help that days are too short for the oh, so many things I always want to do! But regardless, I'm here and I hope to keep up with you, dear reader, and to keep you posted about the things around here!

Bellow you'll find some photos I've taken this Autumn, both in Montreal and in a beautiful area of mountains and forests close to Montreal called the Laurentians.

Thanks for reading this, i'm glad you are here!



  1. so glad to see you again! and with such perfect-beautiful scenery....

    1. Thank you very much!! I'm extremely happy to be back and so see you here!

  2. Such awesome photographs! Rich! A delicious yellow door! Does the button belong to a button factory? :) Yellow steps. Yellow is taking over my life.

    1. Yellow is taking over mine, too! Is just so beautiful to look at :) I'm glad you liked my photos, thanks! The gigant button is from a button shop, they have all kinds of them, is amazing!

  3. qu ebueno que volviste Iveth! siempre ponia tu blog a ver si te picaba el bichito de volver hahaha y hoy me encontre con una sopresa! hermosisisimas fotos! increible los colores del otonio en los arboles! Saludos grandes dsd Argentina!

    1. Hola Guada!! Que gusto saber que me estabas esperando y que gusto que estes aqui, muchisimas gracias por tus bonitas palabras que me han hecho el dia! Te mando un abrazo enorme!!
