Friday, January 17, 2014

Mid January

Well, here we are, on mid January already and I'm a bit shocked, as usual, at how fast time goes. 2013 was a bitch in many ways, specially in the health department but I have to say December was lovely, with much work, much family time and visits from friends from Mexico :)

It has been a busy start of the year, mostly with family affairs and trying to get back into the rhythm of things after a crazy end of the year with so much fun, so much food, and so little sleep. It's coming along good, the re-adaptation, but it's coming along SLOW. Aaaahhhh.

Anyway, I finally start to understand a bit the utility in the new year resolutions: I have always hated to make those but this time I have to admit, I made a couple. I'm not calling them new year resolutions though, because I'm not quite ready to jump into that bandwagon quite yet -or maybe never- so I'm calling them simply plans. Plans made on a new year. Plans inspired by calendar beginnings and planetary movements. I have plans for new collections, for reaching out more to my community and for taking a better care of the planet. I'll talk more about them as I start to make them real :)

Oh, the photos you see are bits from my studio yesterday: I was stamping shipping envelopes and finishing making keepsake bags and I took a couple photos with my normal camera as an attempt to use it more often, I'm sad I never use it now. Time for a change because, as much as I love my phone and Instagram, I'm not happy at how my phone is killing my beloved cameras and how Instagram is killing my blog!

Time for a change, then.

If you are here, reading my blog, I thank you and wish you a beautiful 2014.



  1. Ivetinaaa hola :)

    Que padres fotos! gracias por todo te quiero mucho! y te extraño también !

    1. Hola champis! te extrano yo tambien. Me dio mucho gusto que vinieran, gracias!!! <3
